
Submissões Online

Já possui um nome de utilizador/senha de acesso à revista Revelar: Revista de Estudos da Fotografia e Imagem?

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Registo de utilizadores

O registo no sistema e posterior acesso ou autenticação são obrigatórios para a submissão de trabalhos, bem como para acompanhar o processo editorial em curso.


Instruções para Autores

As part of the submission process, all authors are advised to check whether their submissions conform to the following directions. Otherwise, the Editorial Team will reject the manuscript.
Submissions that do not comply with our guidelines will be reverted to the authors.


Condições para Submissão

Como parte do processo de submissão, os autores são obrigados a verificar a conformidade da submissão em relação a todos os itens listados a seguir. As submissões que não estiverem de acordo com as normas serão devolvidas aos autores.

  1. The Editorial Team accepts manuscripts for scientific articles, reviews, research notes and written/photographic essays.

  2. All manuscripts must be original and unpublished (or sent to publication by any other entity).
  3. Articles should not exceed 30 000 characters, including abstract, key words, footnotes, bibliographical references, tables, maps, images and their subtitling.
  4. Scientifc reviews must not exceed 8000 characters, including spaces.
  5. Research notes, case studies and other essays should not exceed 50 000 characters, and only one manuscript (under each category) shall be considered per issue, following a jury deliberation.

  6. The photographic essays produced by photojournalists, professional photographers ou artists should not exceed 10 pages (A4) containing image and text.

  7. Should the proposed manuscript diverge from the theme covered by the issue, the Editorial Team has the right to deliberate whether it should be reverted or published under the Varia section.
  8. All manuscripts (articles and written essays) should obey the following structure:

    8.1. Articles and written essays:
    Name of author(s) – 2 lines before the Title;
    Institution (University and Department);
    Abstract – limited to 300 words;
    Keywords – limited to 5 words;
    Main text;

    8.2. Reviews:
    Name of author(s) – 2 lines before the Title;
    Institution (University and Department);
    Main text;

    8.3. Photographic essays:
    Name of author(s);
    Descriptive memory of essay – limited to 1 full page;
    Photographs and respective captions (if applicable);
    Short bio – limited to 300 words.

  9. All manuscripts must be submitted in MS Word, OpenOffice or RTF formats (not exceeding 2MB), A4 vertical layout, Times New Roman font, double-spaced (1.5) lines, 12-point font (11 for long quotations or transcriptions, and 10 for footnotes); the use of italic is advised instead of underlining (except URL addresses); figures and tables should be inserted in the text and not at the end of the document.

  10. Maps, images and illustrations must be submitted in JPEG or TIFF formats. Each file must present a resolution of at least 300 dots per inch (dpi), with a minimum size of 2100 pixels (width). Please note that figures should have clean, crisp lines, and should the delivered material not comply with the requirements, the Editorial Team has the right to request a new file or refuse its publishing. In addition to being properly numbered and captioned (author, title, year, type of material, source, etc.), its location should be clearly referenced in the text (e.g. IMAGE 1, FIGURE 1,  MAP 1). 

  11. All images must indicate their source (author, date and origin) and the authors must declare that they are authorized to publish them. All images must be submitted as individual files, in compliance with the abovementioned requirements, properly identified and referenced in the text.

  12. REVELAR is styled in APA (6th), therefore, all submitted works must include references and citations in the body of the text, as follows: Silva. 2005; Silva (2005: 35); Silva et al. (2005). Moderate use of footnotes is highly recommended. 

    12.1. In-text citations:

    [author]: paraphrased (Silva, 2005), or part of the narrative, Silva (2005).
    [group as author]: first citation (American Psychological Association [APA], 2015), subsequent citations (APA, 2015).
    [two authors]: (Chandler & Smith, 1987)
    [multiple authors, 3 to 5]: first citation (Smith, Johnson, Carpenter, & Munro, 2004), subsequent citations (Smith et al., 2004).
    [multiple authors, 6+]: (Smith et al., 2019).
    [multiple works]: (Smith & Munro, 1999; Silva, 2005).
    [direct quote]: (Smith et al., 2004: 244).
    [no author]: use the title and the date as the in-text citation (for long titles just use the first few words).
    [no date]: (American Psychological Association [APA], n.d.).
    [no page]: identify chapter (if applicable) and paragraph (Brown, 1989: para. 23; Green, n.d.: [chap. 3] para. 4). This can be applied to both citations retrieved from websites and e-books.

    12.2. References:

    12.2.1.  Article with one author:
    Alves, T. (2001). Paisagem: em busca do lugar perdido. Finisterra, 36 (72), 67-74.

    12.2.2. Article with multiple authors:
    Eliot, J. A. & Olver, I. N. (2009). Hope, life, and death: a qualitative analysis of dying cancer patients’ talk about hope. Death Studies, 7, 609-638. doi: 10.1080/07481180903011982

    12.2.3. Magazine/Newspaper article:
    Tumulty, K. (2009, December 14). Where did reform go? Time, 174, 54-55.
    Chang, K. (2010, January 25). Engineers plot the future of a hobbled Mars Rover. The New York Times. Retrieved from [insert URL].

    12.2.4. Books:
    Sadie, S. (ed.). (1980). The new Grove dictionary of music and musicians (6th ed., Vol.1). London: Macmillan.

    12.2.5. Article or chapter in Book:
    Kumpfer, K. (2009). Prevention. In P. Smith & J. H. Green (Eds.), AZ Encyclopedia (2nd ed., Vol.4, pp. 270-278). Detroit, MI: Macmillan.

    12.2.6. Dissertations or thesis:
    Tomé, M. J. B. F. (1998). Património e Restauro em Portugal (1920-1995). (MA dissertation), Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, Porto.  

    12.2.7. Webpage with author:
    Kraiser, S. (2011). Safety on the internet. Retrieved from [insert URL].

    12.2.8. Webpage with group as author:
    American Cancer Society (2015). Genetics and cancer. Retrieved from [insert URL].

    12.2.9. Webpage without author:
    Claustrophobia (2014). Retrieved from [insert URL].

    12.2.10. Audiovisual media:
    Ford, J. (Director). (1952). The quiet man [DVD]. United States: Argosy Pictures.
    Corbijn, A. (Director). (1987). Red Guitar [music video]. Retrieved from (Published by David Sylvian, June 2, 2017).
    Jones, S. & Winn, S. (2010, July 15). Study like a scholar, scholar [video file]. Retrieved from
    Di Carpi, G. (1540). The holy family [image]. Retrieved from

  13. REVELAR accepts works in Portuguese and English. Each scientific paper must, however, present an abstract in both languages, regardless of the preferred language in use.

  14. Only proposals sent until the deadline of the announced Call for Publications will be considered. All proposals must be submitted through this platform or via e-mail to:

    [email protected];
    [email protected] (in CC).

  15. All issues not clarified above should be placed to the Editorial Team by the electronic adress: [email protected]

Declaração de Direito Autoral

Licença Creative Commons
Este trabalho está licenciado com uma Licença Creative Commons - Atribuição-NãoComercial 4.0 Internacional.